Sunday, 28 August 2016


I love walking around and see how the East-End is morphing still. I am particularly sensitive to boards and all sorts or writings, either legals or not. I was trying out the Emirates cable cars in North Greenwich with my daughter, and I frankly didn't feel secure as it was a windy day. Right in the middle of our journey I felt like I really had to talk to my neighbour to keep me away from panic. He looked dressed like for a daily commute, a sort of local engineer in his late forties. I said I suspected that one of the new "rejuvenation" program was taking place here under our feet. He definitely agreed as he spent the last few months on various building sites and would fly above the Thames daily. "That's the next big thing" he said - to be continued.
As we reached safely the grounds we walked towards the O2 and I found this bit of writing above that made me smile, sort of.

A week later, I was doing some tests for a future photo installation about the new E20 district in Stratford. Waiting for a friend I found various local adverts and took few snapshots. I thought it was funny to put those two as a dialogue.

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