Friday 31 May 2013


Our Shorts stories from an autonomous space take us to the Hackney Wick area in the coming up of the 2012 Games. Arnau Oriol Sanchez depicts real characters and unusual urban landscapes. The depth and colour of this series are not to be missed.

(Pre)Olympic Landscapes
Commissioned by the Hackney Museum this work looks at an area in transformation. Hackney is one of the four boroughs in London that hosted the 2012 Olympic Games. That fullfilled me with certain pride because being a resident it was a nice way to establish a relationship with a place I don’t belong to. I soaked the place, studied the work of some local photographers and read literature about Hackney. I realized that some of the odd and fascinating legacy of Hackney Wick was fading in front of my very eyes. Then I looked for images that could explain the transitional and ephemeral nature of that place. I also tried to capture the detached nostalgia.

Workshop Coffee Marylebone
75 Wigmore Street
London W1U 1QD
nearest tube Bond street
open until 5pm daily

Friday 3 May 2013


I am delighted to present as an exclusive Chris Dorley-Brown's Fogs series. 10 images are available for viewing at Marylebone Workshop Coffee & Co. Short stories from an autonomous space are now halfway through the year and we hope to have more to show you by the end of the year in a different format. Meanwhile our artist photographers will fill up the space individually and monthly as usual.

The Fogs
The fog is primarily a mystery. Quintessentially British the mist evokes the drama.  The former East End fog recognised as being produced by the now long gone heavy industries is taking a new role. Its gothic charm has never left our psyche and it thrives in invoking the working class and its tragedies.
Chris Dorley-Brown’s Fogs are landscapes to be lost into. He depicts common architectures being absorbed by this atmospheric phenomenon. In return we re-focus on the history behind those walls and we wander the tarmac mentally. Chris’ Fogs aren’t simply an illustration but a field of study in which we become the central character. Because it is only in the state of being lost that we encounter our true dimension as individual. The Fogs series enable us to invest the East End in a personal quest.

Workshop Coffee Marylebone
75 Wigmore Street
London W1U 1QD
nearest tube Bond Street
open until 5pm daily